Why We Exist

I have spent over 30 years in the CPG industry. Building two sizable companies, I was somewhat learning and “going alone” into an industry that has billion-dollar competitors, distributors, retailers, etc.; all of which are looking to take advantage of you. I often felt like I was treading water in an ocean full of sharks. How many times have I wanted a lifeboat. I want Velocity CPG to be that lifeboat for hundreds of brands that have a great idea or product but don’t have the resources to be successful. Velocity CPG aims to be the nationwide leader of hand-picked CPG professionals that bring critical guidance to brands when they need it most.

Velocity CPG provides a community that creates lasting relationships, business processes, guidance, and other tools for founders and companies to be successful. This community may be traditional banks, investment bankers, brokers, buyers, sales leaders, marketing leaders, private equity, financial experts, or data analytics; basically, anything a company needs will be at their resource. I love entrepreneurs, we are here to help!